
Author: Blanch T. McDonell

Health Benefits of Breastfeeding

Womens Issues
Many medical professionals including the American Academy of Pediatrics advise nursing mothers to breastfeed their babies at least for six months due to the numerous health benefits their babies will derive from their breast milk. Breastfeeding also gives some health benefits to the nursing mothers. The breast milk is highly nutritious. It contains disease fighting substances that attack germs and foreign bodies in the body of the baby. Besides, breast milk is rich in vitamins. Here are some of the health benefits of breastfeeding:Breastfeeding fights illnessesThe immune system of a baby has not functionally become active. The breast milk contains enough disease fighting substances such as the secretory immunoglobulin A which is contained in huge amount in the first breast milk produced se...

Could Coloring My Hair With A New Dye Be What Caused It To Start Shedding?

Hair Loss
I recently had someone ask me if a reaction to hair dye could kick off hair shedding. She said in part: "my hair was doing just fine until I tried a new hair dye. As soon as I put it on my scalp, it burned. That same day, my hair started falling out. And it has continued to shed for the past 3 months. From the research that I have done, it appears to my that I might have shedding due to telogen effluvium. But everything that I read indicates that this condition is caused by internal changes in the body. The hair dye would be an external change. But I swear that there was nothing wrong with my hair or scalp before I colored my hair. Is it possible that the hair dye kicked off this massive shedding?"I have to admit that my first inclination was to agree with this woman and say that no, hair ...

How to Treat Progressive Myopia in Children – Vision Therapy for Nearsightedness

Eyes Vision
If your child is progressively getting more nearsighted, you are probably wondering just one thing: why? Is it genetics, nutrition, the environment that I've provided for my child? What could I have done to prevent this from happening? And the worst part is that most likely your doctor can't provide any definitive answers. You might feel helpless to do anything about it.(Something to keep in mind is that there are multiple causes for nearsightedness-genetic, environmental, nutritional, developmental. Let's focus for now on the environmental and developmental aspects.)When we are born, our eyes are shorter than they will be (that's right, babies are farsighted), and as we learn to focus our eyes, the repeated act of focusing up close causes pressure spikes in the eyes which elongate them in...

Discover Some Natural Remedies for the Best Moisturizer for Dry Skin

Skin Care
Winter is just around the corner and you may be looking for the best moisturizer for dry skin. With fall and winter approaching you will find that your skin is probably dryer, itchier and flakier than in the spring or summer months. Now is the time to think about finding some easy to use home recipes for moisturizing your skin.A good way to start with moister skin is when you are heading outdoors, you will want to use some products that are good for hands and face to help in keeping them moist. Another way is by putting on a moisturizing lotion right after you finish with your shower or bath. You will want to do this when your skin is still a bit damp.Washing your skin gently instead of scrubbing hard and fast, this will be less irritating for your skin. You could try softening your skin w...

Common Young Women’s Health Issues In Today’s World

Womens Issues
Been a lot of talk of making it easier to paradoxically both specify and generalize patients, where populations are divided by gender, then by age.Statistics and medication have always had some ties with one another in Western medical viewpoint, with the numerical analysis, about female lack of desire and women's health news.By even more demographics, all in an effort to discover out which groups are most likely to develop which health problems.At the very same time, the numbers are utilized to examine whether medication would be effective on a large adequate size of the population to be beneficial.Each sector of the population goes through differing degrees of scrutiny and research study, with numerous sections showing medical commonalities.Among these groups would be young women's health...
British Men High in Fat and in Premature Ejaculation

British Men High in Fat and in Premature Ejaculation

Mens Issues
As a person from Vancouver, I am getting sick of the bashing done by the British Press on the state of the 2010 Olympic Games. Yes there are problems but the grass is always greener on the other side. Just wait for all the problems London will be facing in 2012.After 2 days in the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games the British press is all over the organizers and calling it the worst games in history. London will host the summer games in 2012 and there are already worse problem than the games in Vancouver that is already $1.8 billion over budget. But there is a more pressing issue the Brits should be addressing. No it is not their teeth, their pasty white skin, or failure to win a medal at the Winter Games.It is the fact they are overweight and lack performance in the bedroom.Aside from the game...

How to Care for Family in Nursing Homes

Elder Care
Making the decision to place aging parents in one of the local nursing homes is a difficult one. It will provide the children some relief and give older family members the care they need. However, there are still a few things that a person can do to continue caring for them. Showing that you still care for them is the best way to make their stay a pleasant one.Meet With the StaffThe best way for the staff in nursing homes to create a care plan for their patients is by meeting with the family members. At that appointment, it is important to inform the staff of any habits, likes, and dislikes that the parent is known to have. Discuss everything from medical needs to possible on-site activities that would benefit the loved one.Bring a Few Knick-Knacks From HomeAlthough nursing homes don't off...

The Many Benefits of a Sauna Bath on All Organs of Your Body

Spa and Wellness
We all have heard of sauna as a great way to relax besides giving the body a chance to detoxify itself. Sauna is included in various routines of health clubs, gymnasiums, etc. The effects of sauna are not only skin deep but also deep reaching as it affects all the organs of our bodies.The sweat bath of sauna sets up a series of reactions that has a positive effect on the entire body as well as all the inner organs. It starts with the dilation of the capillaries, which leads to increased supply of blood to the skin in order to draw heat and disperse it deep inside the body. Due to this action, the heart rate increases to meet the demand of additional flow of blood and the various organs like stomach, liver, kidneys, muscles, brain, etc tend to flush out the impurities. As the pores of the s...

The Process of Replacing a Missing Tooth With Implants

Dental Care
Dental implants came to save the world from missing and chipped teeth. But seriously, dental implants have really changed the face of cosmetic dentistry. There is no reason why one should hide their smile because they have some missing tooth or one that is completely discolored beyond the affordable teeth whitening. With dental implants, you can effortlessly replace a missing tooth and you will not have to spend a fortune in the process. The only thing that you need to do is pay a visit to an experienced dentist and you will be good to go.Simple but complex process The process of replacing a single tooth with implants is an oxy-moron in its own way. It is simple yet very complicated and so it should not be done by just any random person. A tooth might seem like an insignificant part of the...

General Overview of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

Health and Fitness
What is HIV? It's a virus that was first discovered in the USA in 1981. Since then, an increasing number of cases are reported every year from practically all over. Its incubation period is twelve to thirteen years, after which it slowly weakens the host's immune system. Soon after that, the host develops various diseases and dies when his body fails to endure any more infections.CAUSES OF AIDSThe AIDS virus (HIV) is highly infectious. It has been detected in body fluids like blood, semen, saliva, tears, and urine. Here are some causes which lead to AIDS:(I) One of the most common causes is sexual intercourse between men when one of the two is infected. The virus occurs in the fluids of their reproductive passages. This virus is even more common among homosexual males because of homosexual...